Media Partners

Serving as a bridge between buyers and sellers in the industry of packaging, food processing, pharmaceutical equipment and plastic & printing machine. Companies can put their product's introduction and their contact information on our website. Buyers also can put on their inquiry, to help them find the machine they want. It makes both company and buyer can easily find their potential customer and their ideal products.

INPAPER is published by the Indian Paper Industry Association - IARPMA, with an aim to introduce and also to highlight the world class state of the art technologies and R & D Activities to the doorstep of Indian Paper Industry. Today Inpaper International is a foreseeable publication for all the paper mills in India.

PAPERASIA has been the leading pulp and paper magazine in Asia since 1985. It keeps readers updated on industry developments through selected news items, special reports, techno focus and interviews. The magazine is read by industry professionals and decision makers in over 20 countries.

PAPER DESK, A Bi-Monthly magazine proudly launched by one of the nation’s leading packaging groups BrandsMart Packaging group. The digital version & printed magazine reaches to all Pulp & Paper Mills, OEMs, Packaging Companies, Industry professionals, Industry Institutions, Service providers, Dealers & Distributors of Pulp, Paper & Conversion Industries for free of cost.

PaperFIRST Mag is the ultimate global magazine from ENP Publishing, covering the challenges of papermakers worldwide through market analysis, testimonials of big players, and reviews of the latest technical trends.

It comes as the natural extension of the successful PaperFIRST Web and PaperFIRST / TissueFIRST Mobile Apps.

PAPER MARKET, An Online Magazine proudly launched by one of the nation's leading packaging groups BrandsMart Packaging group. The digital version & printed magazine reaches to all Pulp & Paper Mills, OEMs, Packaging Companies, Industry professionals, Industry Institutions, Service providers, Dealers & Distributors of Pulp, Paper & Conversion Industries for free of cost.